Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat Read online

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  Depending on the Name invoked, befitting their association, supports the Luciferian in acquiring a path to the knowledge of the specific art or power sought. The Watcher in this sense is invoked in union with the Daemon of the Luciferian and that power over a period inspires insight, wisdom and power from that union.

  In acquiring knowledge and commanding the power of the Watchers in Luciferianism, invoking the name summons atavistic energies and powers to be commanded by the sorcerer in question. The Daemon of the Luciferian is made stronger by this act and thus supports balance between the union of the spirit and mind of the Witch. Have purpose and intent for your sorceries and retain through discipline the balance required for your ascension into Apotheosis.

  The Gnosis of Adversarial Circuminsession

  The term ‘circuminsession’ is a Catholic term defining a type of mutual immanence of three distinct ‘persons’ of the “Holy Trinity”; the Catholic Church developed their rites and theology from ancient Pagan practices, thus this concept is relative here in describing a concept in Magick. The term ‘Deific Mask’ is a conceptual representation of a specific deity or demon in Luciferianism; it represents the name, description, office of authority or action. The Deific Mask represents a specific type of power or energy which the Witch or Warlock may invoke and metaphorically ‘wear’ uniting this spiritual power, the energy in nature and within the Black Adept.

  8“The Ethiopic Book of Enoch, A New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments”, Michael A. Knibb, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1978. The many Names of Power of the Adversary are unique and distinct, while having for example two distinct natures or traits for a specific deity. It can prove confusing for the neophyte in studying the mythologies and history of the Adversary in many cultures and periods. An example is Azazel in the Book of Enoch as the Watcher; Azazel as the goat-demon in Canaanite/Hittite/Hurrian and Jewish lore; Azazel from the Apocalypse of Abraham as the Twelve-Winged Seraphim who illuminated humanity and is the Adversary of the monotheistic religion of Yahweh.

  Each has different traits represented in Azazel and should be explored by the Black Adept as one sees suitable. In later Jewish and Christian lore, Azazel is identified with Samael, Belial and Mastema (Satan) to varying degrees. Take each Deific Mask and study/practice with a (simple) manifestation of Azazel until you are prepared for crossing boundaries of myth and religion.

  A simple description of the Antitrinity within a state of

  A simple description of the Antitrinity within a state of headed Beast (Antichrist) and the 2-horned Beast (False Prophet) are unique, three distinct powers and energies. The 7-headed Dragon (Father) is entirely in the 7-headed Beast (Son), as with the 2-horned Beast. Luciferian initiatory practice can guide a Black Adept into a gateway of the Acasual (called by others ‘Anti-Cosmic’ or a timeless chaos dimension) where the Spirit and Daemon are united in Apotheosis, within the Circle of the Ouroboros (Leviathan).

  The Witch or Warlock should avoid arguments and debates concerning the “reality” of Spirits within the Magickial Art, listen to your instincts and seize your birthright to drink from the Cup of Venom offered by the Adversary. Remember to always Keep Silent upon the details of the Witch Cult of the Sabbat when in conversation with non-initiates; focus on the rational philosophy and keep in mind you are privileged to be awakened with Witch Blood.

  THE WATCHERSἐγρήγοροι

  The myth and lore of the Watchers focused within this grimoire are from 1 ENOCH (Ethiopic Apocalypse) from Second Century B.C. to First Century A.D., 2 ENOCH (Slavonic Apocalypse) and the Book of Enoch (Greek from Aramaic Apocalypse). These ancient texts are known as Pseudepigrapha, removed from early Christian doctrine by the late Romans and Catholic Church organizers. The word Apocalypse translates “the unveiling” and offers esoteric knowledge concerning the cosmology of early Judeo-Christian concepts. Prior and during my reconstruction of ceremonies and sigils of the Watchers, I cross-referenced the versions and translations of the Book of Enoch and the lore of the Fallen Angels, the purpose of this is to understand the origins and meanings of the original names and epithets.

  The ‘Sons of El’, bene elohim (Hebrew)םיהלאה ינב is an

  ancient term which was known in the Canaanite city of Ugarit and in late Judaic lore. The Aramaic of Watchers, iyrin (plural) isןי ִריִﬠ.

  The title, “Watchers and Holy Ones”, irin we-qadishin is the term for these celestial spirits. The Greek spelling of the Aramaic iyrin is ιυριν. ἐγρήγοροι is in the Slavic transliteration, Grigori

  (Watchers). The meaning of Watcher is “awake”, “watchful” and “guard”. The Watchers dwelled in the 5th Heaven prior to their fall. After the fall of the Watchers, they were in the 3rd Heaven or Sheol (Hell, the Underworld).

  The Watchers are also named as the םיהלאה ינב or Beni

  Elohim (Sons of El). In the ancient Ugaritic (Canaanite) tradition, the pantheon of gods was called Sons of El, the patriarchal deity that the Hebrew Yahweh assimilated and became after the Hebrew conquest of Canaan; the lesser gods became ‘demons’ and ‘idols’ to the religion of Israel.

  The Watchers (Grigori) are angels who descended to earth, assumed many forms, chose human wives and instructed humanity in the forbidden knowledge of heaven. This included incantations, spells, magick, the solar and lunar calendars, working with metals and forging weapons, divination, reading and writing, art, medicine and the nature of the planets and stars. Azazel and Semyaza led the effort of illuminating humanity, considered “evil” by the Hebrew God who grew angry with the disorder given birth in his sheepworld. The Watchers in their sexual union with human women, gave birth to great Giants called the Nephilim.

  Functional myth and lore provides a “truth in the circle” concerning the spiritual linage of Luciferian Witches and Sorcerers who identify with those Deific Masks and the forbidden knowledge they possess. The Book of Enoch and Dead Sea Scrolls is dated from around the time of the Seleucid Basileus (King) Antiochos IV Epiphanes Nikephoros (175-168 BC) and Hellenistic rule of Judea. The conquests of Alexander III of Macedonia ending in 323 BC slowly introduced Hellenistic culture to the Levant and the Middle East, including the Greek gods which were identified with older Canaanite, Egyptian and Mesopotamian Deific Masks and pantheons.

  The Watchers were in their celestial origins guardians of cosmic order including celestial bodies, meteorological and natural phenomena.

  To the Judean priesthood and culture, largely isolated and contained from their neighbors by the cult of Yahweh, which held taboos and restrictions to maintain religious control, Hellenistic culture assumed a mask of subtle demonic and hostile powers seeking to erode the power of their one God. When compared, the Watchers and Nephilim found a syncretic harmony between the Greek Titans and Giants’ myths, the Canaanite deified warrior demigods and the forbidden knowledge which led astray or threatened to Judean culture.

  In this work, I will refrain from including the Dead Sea Scrolls lore of “Watchers” (i.e. Belial) and Mastemah to narrow our focus on the Deific Masks of the Book of Enoch.

  The Book of Enoch, having been dated from the second and first centuries before Christ and provided the Messianic base for which the legend of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) would be based. This depth of demonology and angelology would be made to nearly vanish from mainstream Christianity by around 500 A.D. and remembered only in vague memory until 1,300 years later.

  The myth of the Book of Enoch explains that when the children of men has multiplied they had many beautiful daughters. The Watchers, a group of angels (called Children of Heaven), saw and lusted after them. The angel Yeqon inspired the Watcher and led them “astray” upon their own Left-Hand Path down to earth to the daughters of men. The Watcher ‘Asbe’el (Kasbeel) counselled this spirits in a plan so that they would “defile” their bodies with them.

  The “Son of the Serpent Taba’et” produced the gematria (the number) of the Chief of Days for Kasbeel, reve
aling the sum of the oath to the angels when they dwelt in the heavens, its name is BIQA or BEQA. In one translation of 1 Enoch9 the Watcher Kasb’el the chief executor of a powerful oath in which he revealed it to the other Angels while he still dwelt in Heaven. The oath itself was not named “Beqa” in the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch, Kasbeel was known by the name of Beqa prior to his descent and fall.

  9 Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch, Translation by E. Isaac, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Ed. James H. Charlesworth The beauty of having different versions and points of the lore of the Watchers, the Luciferian Witch can let the imagination find suitable avenues or paths to explore. Do not be concerned with which one is “correct”, simply be use the finer details to your inspiration and initiatory workings.

  Kasbeel, known as a “satan” told Michael to show him the hidden name, to pronounce it in an oath so that the secret might make the children of men tremble before the Name and oath. This is a suggestion of the power of words and “Names of Power” in Magickial invocation.

  In 1 Enoch, Kasbeel, who is described as a “satan” and the “Evil One” is the Watcher known as Beqa prior to his fall. He possesses the knowledge of a written spell which binds great power to the Watchers and sustains them. In Heaven, Kasbeel (Beqa or Biqa) places this very oath in the hand of the Archangel Michael.

  The Archangels were organized in both Hellenistic and Roman systems in the Book of Enoch, having centurions, quinquegenarii (leader of 50) and dekadarchs (leader of 10). Azazel has also another name, Gadre’el, he taught the children of men all the lethal blows, led astray or awakened Eve, showed the weapons of death to the sons of men, the shield and coat of mail including the sword for battle.

  The Dekadarchs are named as Semhaza, Ar’teqif, Ramt’el, Kokab’el, ‘Ur’el, Ra’m’el, Dan’el, Ziq’el, Baraq’el, ‘Asa’el, Hermoni, Matr’el, ‘Anan’el, Sithwa’el, Sims’el, Sahr’el, Tamm’el, Tur’el, Yamm’el and Zehor’el. Variants of these Names of Power are encircled around the circle announces the Nature of the Working.

  Mount Hermon

  The Cursed and Sacred Mountain as Symbolic of the Altar In Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic pantheons, the mountain is a significant place for which a specific deity or pantheon resides. The Canaanite tradition as defined from tablets found in the ancient city of Ugarit holds Mount Zaphon as the abode for many of the deities. Mount Olympios in Greece is the seat of Zeus and the gods, finally to our focus of this work: Mount Hermon.

  Mount Hermon has been a cultic center even before the Book of Enoch and the descending place of the Watchers. Woven into the mythology of the Watchers is a mountain which was the meeting place, the ‘crossroads’ if you will for heaven and earth. The name of the mountain, Hermon, has the same root for ‘forbidden’ and ‘sacred’10. At Tel-Dan a bilingual inscription in Aramaic and Greek, dated from the Hellenistic period was dedicated “to the God who is in Dan” (Armaros).

  The place in which the Watchers descended and took their Oath, Mount Hermon, has a long and ancient history in the Ancient Near East. Mount Herman11 extends over an area of 50 km and in the Old Testament, a natural border for the Hebrews in the north. The Seleucid king, Antiochos III, during the Hellenistic period won a decisive battle against the Lagid (Ptolemaic Egypt) strategos Scopas in 200 BC. After the decline of the Seleucids after Antiochos IV, the Ituraeans took rule of the area. Roman influence dominated the region through the Byzantine period and long was a site shrouded in lore and mystery.

  10 Pg. 62, A Study of the Geography of 1 Enoch 17 – 19 by Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Brill 2003

  11 Sanctuaries and Villages on Mt Hermon During the Roman Period, Julien Aliquot, The Variety of Local Religious Life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.

  There were numerous rural temples on the mountain at various locations. As mentioned above, Mt Hermon was considered to some extent a forbidden and sacred place in the Old Testament, with temples and locations sacred to numerous deities including Pan, Atargatis, Leucothea, Zeus, Ayn Qainya and an anonymous god at Har Senaim, Baal Hermon. In the Christian tradition represented in later Enochic literature, Mount Hermon was a cursed place because of the fall of the angels, the Watchers.

  Mt Hermon was also a center of syncretic mythology which united the Jewish and Christian myths of the Nephilim and Watchers ruling the location with the Hellenized lore of the giants during the Roman period. The wilderness of Mt Hermon was also home to a Sacred Grove of Pan, the god of springs and fertility.

  On the Western side of the mountain, the local cult of Qasr Antar held influence extending to Sidon. On a Greek inscription on two stone lion statues dedicated to Zeus in AD 147, numerous ancient gods held power with different epithets. Mount Hermon holds significant history and lore with cults representing in myth the traits of self-empowerment found with the Watchers and Nephilim.

  Invoke Armaros as a symbolic self-dedication which encircles your becoming Temple of Mind-Body-Spirit and the coming forth of your Daemon. Armaros brings forth a terrible feeling of dread, the invisible radiance touching and then filling your mind with the balance between the Heavens and Earth. Your oath is made thus with the Dekadarchs and is not breakable (without invoking selfdestruction) once the initiatory process of Apotheosis begins.

  The symbol of Mount Hermon in the Watcher Apotheosis Invocations herein is simply the foundation, center and commonly the Altar (in a metaphorical sense). Mt. Hermon is the focus point between Heaven and Earth, thus an instinctive symbol of the Great Work or Luciferian Apotheosis and Magickial practices. For the imaginative, visualize your altar as symbolic of the image you “see” of Mount Hermon in your meditations and invocations. The imagination along with Will, Desire, Belief is the forbidden path to knowledge and power, desires become a reality when complete investment of the alchemical unity is made.

  Angelology and Demonology of the Watchers Sigils and Rituals of Invocation

  Fallen Angels: Names of Power

  Talismans and Sigils of Invocation

  The Watchers, a Luciferian myth composed during the time of the Hellenistic period including Syrian-Macedonian King Antiochos IV Epiphanes Nikephoros (epithet Epiphanes= God Manifest, Nikephoros= Bringer of Victory) by Jews who resisted outside culture influence and domination. The Watchers are presented and modeled in this work in Hellenistic fashion as they introduced Greek traditions including methods of warfare to the lands of Judea. Initiation, research of the guidance of Azal’ucel (my Daemon or Genius) began with “Adversarial Light – Magick of the Nephilim” with basic Aramaic-inspired sigils to the level of Enoch traditions and depth.

  I did not include the associated but separated Qumran traditions and those outside of the Book of Enoch, such as the Watcher origins in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Belial and other Watchers are not included herein but are explored elsewhere.

  The study of the origins of the names of the Watchers, etymology, guided further the initiatory workings with these Deific Masks. In the Luciferian tradition herein, the Watchers are not bringers of “evil”, yet inspiring powers of evolution and artistic development. What individuals do with the knowledge and energies in their own sphere of influence (i.e. life and world) is solely to the responsibility and accountability of the Black Adept. Use the talismans and sigils here in your ceremonies with total and complete investment of belief! From this the path will invigorate, challenge and transform you slowly into a living embodiment of the Heavens and Earth, Nephilim.

  SEMYAZAΣεμιαζά Leader of the Watchers: Teaches Enchantments and Root-Cuttings

  Patron Watcher of Magicians

  Amezarak, Amasarac, Amezaras, Amizaras, Samyaza, Shemyaza, Semihazah, Shemyazaz, Samjâzâ, Sêmîazâz, Semjâzâ, Semyaza, and Shemhazai are the variants of this enigmatic fallen angel. Semyaza is translated as “He sees the Name” and “Sem seeth”. According to some scholars12 the theophoric element of SM, explained as ‘Name’ is most likely a substitute for the name of the deity. The name associated with Semyaza is the Phoenician g
od of vegetation and healing Eshmun.

  The Aramaic spelling of Samyaza is הזחימש. The Hebrew of Mastema is הָמֵט ְשַׂמ and his name ‘hostility’

  describes him in the Book of Jubilees as the chief of demons

  engendered by the Watchers. The Hebrew of Samael is לֵאָמַּס.

  Amasarac is one of the 4 Names of Power around the Goetic Circle of Pacts. Explore the etymological trails as you deem appropriate. Semyaza along with Azazel (who are both defined as the Leaders in later traditions) have associations with an older Hurrian tradition. The name ‘sem’ (name of the god) is joined with ‘hazah’ being the Hurrian name for Mount Zaphon, Hazzi. “Dragon of the Two Flames” provides the foundation for the knowledge of the Canaanite pantheon and associations with Zaphon.

  12 The Book of Enoch or I Enoch, Brill 1985 pg 119.

  The Sigil of Semyaza Semyaza in Enoch I was a leader of the Watchers who, filled with lust and desire for mortal women, descended to Mount Hermon (in the Hellenistic period the center of several cave-shrines sacred among others to the god Pan) and swearing an Oath to each other, took wives. Semyaza proclaims "Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing." (Enoch 6: 3-5).

  In “Dragon of the Two Flames”, the association between Shemyaza and the healing god of Sidon, Eshmun is explored in a deeper perspective. The name Eshmun means “Eight”. In Neo-Platonist lore, Eshmun was the 8th Son born of Sadyk (an ancient Phoenician god of justice), this healing god is recognized as the Greek Asclepius. Semyaza taught spells and the cutting of roots. The name of Semyaza is another aspect of Azazel, the Deific Mask reveals different energies and power than Azazel within our context of magickial lore.